We are pleased to welcome 13 lecturers from several countries, please have a look at our FLYER.
Humor Summer School
Interest in both research on humor and practical applications of humor has increased sharply in the past decades. For new research students just beginning their research careers or those already-trained researchers considering a first research project on humor, this course will ensure that they enter the field with a strong foundation in existing theoretical and methodological issues - in dimensions ranging from the philosophical, to the physiological, to the practical - , and are well versed in the pitfalls confronting the scientific study of humor. For those interested in practical applications of humor in a variety of applied settings, the course will introduce them to the kinds of approaches that are being used around the world to put humor to work and to deliver the benefits of humor and laughter.
Since 2001, the Summer School is been hold at several international Universities (Previous summer schools). The first two sessions were held at Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. In 2003, the Summer School was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 2004 in Wolverhampton, England. Last year's Humor summer school was held in Tübingen, Germany. All summer schools have been under the auspices of the International Society for Humor Studies (ISHS). This year, we, of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) are proud to host the summer school in the romantic old town Fribourg in the prealps.
This year the Humor Summer School is divided in two parts. Part one covers the first day of the course where the fundamentals and general overview of Humor Research and theories etc. are covered for those who have not attended a Summer School before. Part two which commences from day two takes the course into the many different areas (e.g. Psychology, Linguistics, Biology, Physiology...) within the humor field (especially neurobiological aspects and visual humor).
An essential part of the summer school are workshops: there will be organized several Workshops: on the Facial Action Coding System, an Introduction into the General Theory of Verbal Humor and a workshop on Humor Questionnairies in Psychology. Further, a workshop on humor and workplace will be offered.
Structure of Course
There will be sessions from Monday to Saturday afternoon inclusive, with one afternoon (probably thursday) free for relaxation, sightseeing or excursion. One afternoon is dedicated to the Symposium and poster session (Friday afternoon). For the rest of the time, classes will be presented by a number of lecturers. The lectures will be held in English.
On Monday and Wednesday evening, there is an opportunity to meet the lecturers.
Symposium and poster session
The Symposium part of the summer school will take place on Friday afternoon. This is where participants may present their planned or finished research or ideas on how to implement and use humor in applied settings, in any form they like.
While posters will be exhibited all week, presenters will be present for discussion at specified times.
Organisational Team
- Andrea Samson (University of Fribourg, Department of Psychology) mail to: andrea.samson (at) unifr.ch
- Oswald Huber (University of Fribourg, Departement of Psychology)
- Willibald Ruch (University of Zurich, Department of Psychology) mail to: w.ruch (at) psychologie.unizh.ch
Information for Media and Press
- in German: Warum eine Summer School?